
Promoted by the Foundation for Sustainable Development - in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and the Polytechnic of Milan - Tuesday, July 16, in Milan from 9.30 to 18.30, at the headquarters of the Politecnico di Milano (Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32), will take place the 2nd National Green City Conference. On this occasion the Milan Declaration for climate adaptation in the cities will be presented. The central theme of the second Green City National Conference is the promotion and updating of the plans and measures for the climate adaptation of cities, integrated with those for mitigation. To this end, it is necessary to keep the risk assessments and the emergency measures, both medium and long term, updated, enhancing the positive effects, also promoting private investments and the cost accounting of the absence of such measures. Governance and adaptive capacities of cities need to be improved to reduce the vulnerability and risks of very intense precipitation and heat waves, focusing more on nature-based solutions.