Ancona, Auditorium Mole Vanvitelliana

The General Directorate for Climate and Energy of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea (MATTM) has launched an institutional path aimed at spreading the culture of adaptation to climate change at regional and local level, and to overcome territorial disparities regarding the implementation of adaptation paths, in line with the contents of the National Strategy and the drafting of a National Plan for adapting to climate change. This path is the basis of the activities envisaged by the Intervention Line 5 "Strengthening of the administrative capacity for adaptation to climate change" of the CReIAMO PA Project aimed at defining and disseminating methodologies and developing skills in adaptation. The officials of the Municipality of Genoa were present as both coordinators of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Climate Adaptation, and as officials dedicated to Urban Resilience Strategies.